Welcome to Dust Valley! A world of creatures whose lives are very much like our own. The folk of the valley are ordinary, organised and scheduled like clockwork. With everyone assigned their daily tasks to get on with, everyone is united in contentment. Well, almost everyone…
Enter Snorkle, Yettii, Hex, Totem Trio and Scruff; a loveable bunch of pals who have been drawn together by a shared desire to find the extraordinary amongst the ordinary. While they’re not the best at sweeping porches or trimming hedges, what they’re really good at is stumbling into adventure - and who knows where they’ll find it next! Lucky for them, under that pristine surface, Dust Valley is never too far away from a little chaos.
Format: 26 x 11 mins
Client: RTE, Northern Ireland Screen
An early animation test for Dust Valley, a new and improved trailer is currently in development.
Armed with a “jump first, ask questions later” policy, the gang bound headlong into whatever impossible feat lies ahead of them. The valley is overrun with giant mushrooms? No problem! The floor is literally lava? On it! A sleep-inducing goo has taken over the town? Gross, but okay!
While nothing is ever what it seems at first, there’s no problem too dangerous, or solution too ridiculous for them to at least have a crack at. And of course, they inadvertently save the day without the citizens of Dust Valley ever knowing how close they came to a sticky end!